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Monday, August 06, 2007

The Clon Festival - Lloret de Mar.

Last Friday after a meal in the International to celebrate John & Karen's birthday we all walked over into Lloret to see the 'Queen' tribute band. They were playing near McDonalds on the sea front. The band came on at 22.45 and played on untill 12.30am. Everyone danced and song along to the music!! The band originates from Argentina, and are one of the best Queen tribute bands around!
The next tribute bands for the festival are Supertramp - 17th August, then the Blues Brothers - 31st August.

Friday, August 03, 2007

A Birthday in Lloret!


Here on holiday to celebrate their birthdays are our good friends from Leeds, Karen and John.
John will be 50, Karen's?... I'm not telling you!
Their birthdays fall on the same day 3rd August! So today we are planning to have a couple of hours round the pool. Then tonight we're going to the excellent International Resturant on the sea front in Fenals, where John & Steve will probably have the biggest and best steak they sell! and Karen & myself will have the Paella...along with 1 or 2 bottles of wine!!

Monday, July 30, 2007


This week we have had a visit from friends back in England...

The weather I'm glad to say was very good for them with temperatures in the 30s, just what they needed after the bad weather at home!!
So here's a few photo's to remind them of what I hope was a good holiday!!

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Saturday, July 28, 2007

Lloret de Mar - A bad start to the year.

Well after a long break ( excuse's, just me being lazy!!) I feel I should get started on this blog again.

Its now July and summer is well and truly here. Over the last few months a lot has happend here in Lloret, and as it says above ''We'll bring you the good the bad and the ugly''

First of all I'll mention the awful news which shocked everyone here and at home in the UK...

We have lost 2 very good friends who have both lived and worked here for many years.

The first was Julie who died very suddenly at the family home here in Lloret, age only 48.

Gerry her husband and their son Simon will miss her terribly....also her family and friends in the UK and many friends here.

Gerry's Bar will never be the same again!

Then not more than a few weeks later after a short illness Kevin died age 50. Kevin had various activity projects on the go. The main one being the diving school, hence his nickname of 'Bubbles' of which I'm sure he was quietly proud of!

He had many more ideas in his head which he was always wanting to share with people to ask their opinion of.

We all had many a laugh discussing which ones would earn him his first million!!

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Lloret de Mar - Events

A look back to last weekends Medieval fair -
with a few more photos showing the many attractions to be seen....

The photo below shows a stall holder making wooden toys such as rocking horses, bows and arrows along with shields and swords etc for the children.

Another stall was selling all kinds fruits which were peeled and sliced then sugar coated making a very colourful display..

Below, shows how packed the very narrow streets were, it was just impossible to get through, if one person stopped to look at a stall everyone else had to as well!