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Friday, February 10, 2012

Lloret de Mar Weather - February

Today in Lloret we have slightly warmer temperatures with a bright blue sunny sky, much better than cold windy days we have recently had.

Even the seagulls on the roof opposite our apartment block are making the most of the sun!

Thursday, February 09, 2012

Carnival Time in Lloret

Its everyones favorite time of year again in Lloret de Mar and that is carnival time, the first parade will take place at 4pm on Saturday 18th Feb. The second parade takes place at 12 noon the following day Sun 19th. Everyone is welcome to join in with events at Evenia Olympic Resort hotel during carnival time, on Saturday after the first parade there is a night of dancing. There will be a show for all the family at 5pm after Sunday's parade, later that evening dancing again during which the award ceremony for the carnival will take place. All events at the hotel are free to all who would like to attend.

Monday, February 06, 2012

Les Alegries Chuch Service

The first of Father Shea's monthly Christian (English language) church service's took place at Les Alegries church yesterday. A few of Llorets residents attended and were warmly welcomed by Father Shea and his partner Helen. It was  a very cold day which may have deterred a lot of people from moving from their nice cosy homes, but maybe as word gets around then its hoped that more people will attend. 

Father Shea started the service by telling us a little bit about the history of Les Alegries church, how it was the oldest in Lloret and the sea actually used to almost reach to where the church is situated. A lot of hard work has gone into the restoration of this church which for many years stood derelict, and so the community of Les Alegries and Father Shea are needing as much support from residents of the surrounding area to keep this little gem of a church a solid part of the community!

Friday, February 03, 2012

Snow in Blanes

After yesterdays photos of the snow in Lloret here is a piece of TV footage from the same day showing the snow in Blanes just 20 minutes down the coast. This morning in Lloret its been snowing again last night but on the coast we just have a very light covering.