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Thursday, February 14, 2013

Lloret de Carnival 2013

 The end of the carnival festival was marked last night with the traditional burying of the sardine...(a very strange custom!!) This involves a large model of a sardine in a coffin carried through the streets of Lloret towards the Town Hall after which its placed on a fire on the beach. Wailing mourners follow the fish to its final resting place, they are then treated to a funeral meal of fish, chick peas and the usual accompaniment to any meal here....lots of wine! The food is kindly donated by the Xino Xano walking group.
Preparing the food

The official mourners!

The 'sardine' arrives in a horse drawn carriage.

The service

The end of the carnival!!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Lloret de Mar Winter Views

 The carousel in Pere Torrent opposite Mobys makes a colurful site on a dark winters evening.
Shoppers in the town centre just by the church.
Privé Disco and Magic Park on Avenida Just Marles, in here you will find a great selection of amusements for all ages.


Sunday, February 10, 2013

Lloret Carnival 2013 Videos

Lloret de Mar Carnival 2013

 Its carnival weekend in Lloret and in the town there's a great party atmosphere as almost every other person is walking around dressed in some sort of fancy dress outfit! This is the most colorful event in the Lloret de Mar annual calendar, with everyone joining in the fun! We were there to take these photos of Saturdays parade when the procession made their way along the seafront at 4pm. It was a glorious sunny day but by the time the parade had finished 2 hours later it was feeling very cold, and with some of the competitors only dressed in flimsy outfits I did feel quite sorry for well done to all those who still managed to entertain everyone and keep smiling till the very end!

For lots more colourful carnival photos and videos take a look at the Lloret de Mar Carnival web page.

Carla above, whose Mum and Dad have the Route 66 seafront restaurant

Its been a long day!