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Thursday, November 14, 2013

Today in Lloret de Mar

Out and about in Lloret yesterday morning.

Yesterdays view of Calle San Pedro one of the main shopping streets in Lloret shows just a few locals going about doing their shopping.

Meanwhile on the beach, looking quite deserted yesterday although it was 22c the only sign of life there were a few hundred seagulls!

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Tuesday, November 12, 2013

A Day in Girona from Lloret

For an enjoyable day with a difference the city of Girona is just over a 1 hour bus journey from Lloret de Mar. This beautiful city has a fantastic range of shops and larger department stores as well as a history of more than 2,000 years. So whether its shopping in the newer part or exploring its many museums, medieval walls, Gothic Cathedral or Jewish Quarter in the old part of town you prefer then its well worth a journey to what I consider is a very underrated tourist destination. For more information and photos click on the following link...A DAY IN GIRONA.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Medieval Weekend in Lloret

Away from the hustle and bustle of the streets of Lloret during the weekends Medieval Event, yesterday there was a more relaxed atmosphere over by the Roca d'en Maig area where a few classic cars were on show.

Sadly the cars didn't seem to get much attention yesterday and almost looked as though they had been abandoned owing to the events taking place in the centre!

 Yesterdays views of a very peaceful beach, the one below almost looking like an early evening sunset but it was actually taken at about 12noon.
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Sunday, November 10, 2013

Lloret Medieval Fiesta 2013

Today is the last day of this years Medieval Festival in Lloret and judging by the massive crowds it attracted its been a huge success once again. We were there this morning to take more photos but it proved quite difficult at times as it was even busier than yesterday. Well done to all the stall holders and those who were taking part in the entertainment they brought a great atmosphere to the town and put on a great show!

One of the birds of prey which were on show..just look at those beautiful eyes!

These cakes look good enough to eat but each one is made out of material and all hand sewn!

 Roasted chestnuts 

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Saturday, November 09, 2013

Lloret Medieval Event 2013

The 2013 Medieval event has got off to a lively start today with hundreds of people in the streets slowly edging their way from stall to stall. This is an event that takes place every year in Lloret and seems to get better each time. Street entertainers are everywhere dressed in all sorts of fancy costumes - some are really weird and scary looking as these photos show!
How they walk around on these legs I've no idea!

 Lunch is served!

 The smell of food been cooked on the large open barbeques fills the air, we didnt try any today but providing the weather stays fine tomorrow I know where we'll be having lunch!

Birds of prey were on show but its possibly the last year we will see these and the childrens donkey rides. The use of animals in these sort of events is now considered cruel, which I totally agree with! 

Human puppet show...