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Friday, July 14, 2006

Lloret de Mar - Catamaran cruise

The Catamaran Cruise is another popular trip from the beaches of Lloret or Fenals. This trip is a favorite of the younger holiday makers, as you can eat and drink as much as you like!
After boarding the catamaran you are taken down the coast, where it pulls in to a picturesque cove.
Then the party begins, usually by diving into the sea from the side of the boat!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Lloret de Mar - Boat trip

A view of the glass bottom boat just pulling into the beach at Lloret. From here it will go up the coast towards Tossa de Mar, weaving its way in and out of the rugged cliffs and caves.
This is a very popular trip, as you can tell from the amount of people on the boat.

Not your normal scenery excursion!!

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Lloret de Mar - Santa Clotilde Gardens.

The last few photos from the Santa Clotilde Gardens in Lloret de Mar.

One of the ivy covered staircases, leading up to another level from which to view the gardens.
Pathway, with one of the ancient statues at the end, and a view of the sea between the trees.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Lloret de Mar - Santa Clotilde Gardens.

The gardens are open from May to October. Times of opening are from 10am - 1pm then reopen 4pm - 8pm. The last admission is 45mins before closing time.

Santa Clotilde covers an area of 27,000 sq metres, and belongs to the town council of Lloret. Paths and staircases guide you around the gardens giving you the best views from various angles.