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Sunday, July 25, 2010

Our Visitors!

This morning we had 2 early morning visitors to our balcony!
We had heard an unusual  noise in the tree unlike any bird we have heard before, when all of a sudden these 2 parrot like birds landed right on the piece which separates us from next door. We suspect that they might not be wild but have escaped from a cage somewhere.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Lloret de Mar Clon Festival, Michael Jackson

 The first of this years Clon Festival events began night with the Michael Jackson Tribute, it was again a fantastic success and held in its new location of Placa Pere Torrent (the carousel square) which proved to be a good move. Whether you like Michael Jackson or not it was a very good show and he sang and danced for 2 solid hours!

I wouldn't like to guess how many watched last nights show but its certainly the biggest crowd I've seen for any of the previous tribute events.
If you would like to see the latest Clon Festival pics  go to

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Lloret de Mar - Places to visit.

This grand old building which can be seen on the main Blanes road which runs behind Lloret de Mar is one of the oldest buildings in town. It originally started out as a farmhouse later to be fully restored in the 19th century to a luxury summer home. In 1954 it was again restored, this time to become the Hotel Mànana. It has now undergone another face lift and is home to a permanent exhibition of Iberian archaeology, along with housing Lloret's local office of Girona's chamber of commerce and Lloret de Mar's town council. The surrounding land has been landscaped, with new footpaths newly planted tree's, shrubs and a new colourful playground has been installed for the kids.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Lloret de Mar, Route 66

Did you know that we now have our very own American style diner here in Lloret de Mar. The owners Andy & Jackie have worked very hard to achieve something really different in Lloret. They have an excellent menu of steaks, burgers, ribs and pizzas....the list is endless!  Route 66 is a fascinating place its walls are full of genuine old style American style diner ads. I recommend you try their special offer menu of 2 meals for the price of one, served between the hours of 3pm and 7pm.
From the tables near the window you have a great views of the most well known sight in Lloret and that is the Castle at the end of the beach...also not fogetting the peaceful view looking out to sea.
You must try  ROUTE 66  when here on holiday!